Doctor Finder

We often get asked for recommendations on which doctors are best to see and who has the most experience with uveal melanoma. Really, though, choosing a primary ophthalmologist and an ocular oncologist is a personal decision based upon a number of factors including your own disease, geographical location and proximity to a major eye center, the educational/training background of the physician, their familiarity with OM, etc.

However, when choosing an ocular oncologist, going to someone who is seeing a decent number (ideally >10 cases per year at a minimum) of primary ocular tumors is generally a good proxy for them understanding the array of options available and being able to guide you as patient/caregiver through the complex treatment landscape. Some of the major tumor centers such as Wills Eye in Philadelphia are good places to start.
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Choosing An Oncologist

Other Resources

Find An Oncologist Database at (hosted/updated by American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO))

Click here to find a doctor through the A Cure In Sight (ACIS) platform