​Chad was diagnosed with ocular melanoma in 2011 which spread to his lungs, bones, pancreas, liver, lymph nodes and heart in July of 2014. He underwent clinical trials in New York and fought until he lost his battle in January of 2015. Chad and I (his wife) worked closely with the Ocular Melanoma foundation to seek studies and trials that would potentially save his life. Chad was an amazing husband and father. The loss of Chad affected so many people as he was a generous, loving and amazing human being. It is our wishes to help OMF find a cure for this devastating disease so that other families do not have to endure a loss like ours. I am hosting a 5K memorial run/walk in honor of my husband. I am doing the run to create a memorial for my husband, allowing friends and family to honor him and his life. I am also doing the run to raise money for the OMF. All proceeds are going to be donated to the foundation in hopes to spare another family from a devastating loss from this disease. Please consider registering for the run or donating in Chad’s honor. Thank you in advance for you support, love and prayers.
Chad Oltrogge 5K Crowdrise Page
Chad Oltrogge Memorial 5K Registration - May 3, 2015
Chad Oltrogge 5K Crowdrise Page
Chad Oltrogge Memorial 5K Registration - May 3, 2015

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