In Memory of Joy Ruth White

​​​Joy Ruth (Fox) White, born August 19, 1942, passed away on October 24, 2017 at home surrounded by her husband of 56 years, her three sons, and her grandchildren. Her battle with Ocular Melanoma, which had metastasized to her liver, lasted for three years. Throughout this whole journey, she maintained hope for a few more years of time with her family. She was most courageous.
Ruth’s life was much like the patchwork quilts she sewed with such precision. She loved gardening, bird watching, sewing and quilting, painting ceramics, cooking, fishing, traveling, and surrounding herself with family, friends, and a dog and cat or two. She worked as a bookkeeper for 45 years for Uplands Retirement Village while raising a family of three boys with her husband of 56 years, Ronald Lee. As time went on, she welcomed daughters-in law, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren into her life making each feel special. She managed to travel to all of the 50 states, and to countries abroad with her touring group. Her steady hand has painted many beautiful ceramic pieces which she shared with love. She has cataloged numerous species of birds from the bounty of feeders she kept outside her back door. Her nurturing didn’t end with the birds. If a stray cat or dog came along, she couldn’t turn her back on them and made sure they had food and water. Her collection of Christmas ornaments from her travels would take a whole afternoon to put on the tree as she would reminisce about where each one had been acquired. She always had an apple or pumpkin pie to offer to whoever came to visit. She gave from her heart to all who knew her.
Her church family was always an important part of her life and she said your week just went better if you were at church on Sunday. So many small parts of her life that came together around us and wrapped us in her loving care. Just like a quilt you wrap up in on a chilly evening. Warm, snug, safe. We all will so greatly miss her, but we are sure she is strolling, at last, through the heavenly gardens.
Ruth’s life was much like the patchwork quilts she sewed with such precision. She loved gardening, bird watching, sewing and quilting, painting ceramics, cooking, fishing, traveling, and surrounding herself with family, friends, and a dog and cat or two. She worked as a bookkeeper for 45 years for Uplands Retirement Village while raising a family of three boys with her husband of 56 years, Ronald Lee. As time went on, she welcomed daughters-in law, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren into her life making each feel special. She managed to travel to all of the 50 states, and to countries abroad with her touring group. Her steady hand has painted many beautiful ceramic pieces which she shared with love. She has cataloged numerous species of birds from the bounty of feeders she kept outside her back door. Her nurturing didn’t end with the birds. If a stray cat or dog came along, she couldn’t turn her back on them and made sure they had food and water. Her collection of Christmas ornaments from her travels would take a whole afternoon to put on the tree as she would reminisce about where each one had been acquired. She always had an apple or pumpkin pie to offer to whoever came to visit. She gave from her heart to all who knew her.
Her church family was always an important part of her life and she said your week just went better if you were at church on Sunday. So many small parts of her life that came together around us and wrapped us in her loving care. Just like a quilt you wrap up in on a chilly evening. Warm, snug, safe. We all will so greatly miss her, but we are sure she is strolling, at last, through the heavenly gardens.
Ocular Melanoma is a rare disease. Therefore funding for research to find a cure is very limited at this time. Contributions in Joy’s honor can be sent to the Ocular Melanoma Foundation at 1717 K St. NW, Suite #900, Washington DC 20006 or by clicking the blue donate button on the right.
If you have any questions or want further information about Warrior fundraising with OMF, please email